Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New in 19 - Day One.

Day One. The cursor blinks at me as I decide what to share for the first blog of 2019. My day one began with tears driving out of LAX after dropping my son and his girlfriend at their gates. Drove home on a freeway so empty it made me wonder if I’d missed the Apocalypse. Crawls back into my deliciously comfy Christmas gift jammies and went to sleep for a few hours. First productive activity  
was to successfully unsubscribe from over 30 emails because as part of my New in 19 plan I have decided to accept less clutter into my life and the Inbox was an easy win. Less emotional clutter, less physical clutter. Less STUFF period. If it is not beautiful, useful, or necessary to my health and well being it is not allowed to stay. Be that human or otherwise. My next goal for the rest of this 24 hours that I get to live in is to finish a book started before Christmas, then I will eat some leftovers from my NYE lunch, visit with my parents in person and then I’m not sure. As a precursor to my New in 19 plan I ditched cable and I have until the middle of next week to decide what to replace it with. I am enjoying the freedom from the Box but let’s not be crazy....I can’t miss my Chicago shows. I’m happy to report that of the roughly 20 things on my 2018 Vison Board only 3 remain to be accomplished. Thank you 2018 for the lessons and the blessings. Thank you in advance 2019 for what I believe will be more of the same.  I realize as I wrap this up that I have mentally committed to one blog per day for this year. To quote Anne Lamott “I don’t think you have time to waste not writing”. I love you Day One. 

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