Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Morning Coffee

Morning coffee is a bit different these days ... nothing but the sounds of my off balance ceiling fan, and neighborhood dogs barking at the folks rifling through the green cans that are curbside because its trash  day. It wasn’t that long ago that I had to pour my coffee into a travel mug if  I wanted any hope of drinking it still warm. I drove from school to school dropping kiddos off and then rushed back home to handle the mountain of laundry (or not) which if you know me you know I’d rather alphabetize my craft supplies than do laundry. Point is the coffee was always cold and I felt hurried from activity to errand to activity. Now I sit calmly, no rush with a dainty handled mug and savor my favorite coffee. . I know people who wake up early to have their coffee like this every day, kids or not. My hats off to you. My logic was always sleep a little longer.. then drink more coffee. The point is this... from the day my kids were born it’s been a catapult thrusting me through time to the dainty handled coffee mug days I find myself in now. I used to spend a lot of time wishing REALLY badly that I had those days back. Lately I just sit for a while drinking my coffee and feeling REALLY grateful that I had them to begin with.  Then I carry on with my new day. Appreciation of each moment and the idea that I too have graduated right along with the kids keeps me from “drowning in nostalgia” to quote John Hughes. Enjoy your coffee ladies and gentleman... metaphorically or otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. This is fabulous. It's amazing when it's finally the someday it all comes together.
