Thursday, January 12, 2017

All the Ordinary Days

My last post was about my son flyin the coop, cutting the chord, pullin up stakes..whatever cliché you like. It was a little rough and it took some adjusting. Circumstances being what they were he only spent a few months at his Dad's house and then the rest of the weeks before boot camp were spent between his buddies house, my house and his grandparents house. Kinda just being a gypsy and he seemed to liked it that way. Im sure he had his reason's and he didn't share them with me. Now he is the property of the US Government and his home is Great Lakes, Illinois for now. He's doing well and is on his way to whatever his future will be.
Our routine is different now being just the three of us. It's only one person less but it feels like a huge empty space that he left in our house. Now it's his little brother's turn to be the "Man in the House" as he puts it. It's his shoes that are layin all over my floor. Nintendo patterned Vans and bright blue running shoes. Soon it will be baseball cleats and Nike slides trippin me up in the middle of the night. It's his botttonless pit appetite that I have to contend with which is actually just fine with me since I can't figure out how to cook for only three people.
His sister has decided to follow in her big brother's military footsteps so in a year or so I will be doing the boot camp routine again. Until then she helps me with my eyebrows and makes sure my hair looks ok in the back. She shares all her funniest texts and memes with me and we laugh till we cry. Lots of spontaneous karaoke in the kitchen and late night talks at the foot of my bed.
A million ordinary days and seemingly insignificant conversations but these are the things that life is made of. These ordinary days filled with nothing but mundane shit are the magical glue that holds everything together and the days are going too fast. Like I said in my last post..I am acutely aware of the time going by - Isn't that from a song? THAT I can't remember oddly enough. My point is this...
Each day holds the potential to be burned into your memory like it was a trip to Disneyland. Each day can be the best day ever (in my SpongeBob voice). It all depends on your perspective. I choose to grab each day with my kids and put em in the vault like the treasures they are. Even on the days when nothing goes right and I wanna run away. Because for every day like that there are two days when my daughter cooks dinner and has it ready when I get home. For every bad day there's days when I get a letter from my Sailor telling me thanks for the sacrifices I have always made for him, his brother and his sister. There are days when my little dude tells me I'm  more beautiful than any dumb man can see...
These ordinary days are the ones that get me through and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

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