Wednesday, June 23, 2021

An Investigator in 3 parts - part 2

 When I was freshly divorced and needed a job a friend suggested coming to work with her but I declined due to low self esteem. Wow what a mistake that was but God knows the bigger picture so the next time she asked I said yes- I’ve learned not to say no twice to a good thing. I was scared and nervous but I got the job and that was the beginning of 4 years of big growth. You mean to tell me I can get paid to ask questions! Sign me up! I traveled to Colorado for training broke as a joke with milk money from my parents. Learning that job was akin to drinking water from a firehose but I did it and my self esteem grew, I got to dress up and carry a badge. I was a trusted partner in our nations national security system - an important cog in the wheel. I got to work for a month at a time in my favorite city TWICE. Did I mention I got paid for asking questions?! Simply being my big eared self I was able to take care of my family on my own. I met fascinating, crazy people and I got to go behind doors most people never do. Some days were hard and I cried more than once but I always felt like my work mattered. I had two awesome managers and a host of badass coworkers that became friends. I was important to someone other than my family and friends for the first time in probably ever.  I made connections and eventually got recruited away to my current position. So on the last day as Special Investigator Selsor I packed up all my cool investigator tools and sent them back to the mysterious East coat home office in an empty frito lay multipack box with the chips no one liked as packing material. I gave up working from home barefoot in pajamas to again dress up but this time with a less cool badge. Which brings me to part 3.....

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