Monday, March 6, 2017

the Dating Game - part one

I suck at playing games... Not checkers or Monopoly -  I'm pretty good at those and I will totally hand your ass to you in any trivia game. The games I suck at are the dating games. You know the playing hard to get and acting like you don't care when you do? Or pretending to be unavailable when all you really want is to spend time with your new favorite person. Don't text him first or too soon after he text's you. Or my personal fave - don't tell anyone you're dating for some mysterious length of time and if you ask for status first then you lose.

Who decided that these were good games to play??  Who makes the rules for these games?? Where is the damn play book??  Its 2017 and we aren't past this? We found proof of life on MARS for Pete's sake but if you like someone you still have to act like you don't?  You can have a parade about embracing your sexuality but don't do it with a man you're dating or he'll think you're easy. What in the Hell is that?

Before you ask yourself if I'm oblivious I can assure you I'm not. I am fully aware of the cavalcade of books devoted to the subject and even though I am a complete bibliophile, and even though I have actually read a few, I think all those books should be burned. Seriously. Just make a giant bonfire and all the single, fed the F-up women can dance around it with glee. Yes, I also realize there is an entire industry built around perpetuating these games. Books, movies, lecture circuits, Pinterest pages you name it - it exists. But that doesn't mean it's doing us ladies any favors.

Humor me though wouldya? Next time you're at the market take a look at the magazine covers at the check out stand. Most of them consist of articles evenly split between the top 6 sexual positions you've never heard of, how to lose 20 pounds and how to get a man or some variation on those 3 topics. Sure, they throw some empowering interview skills article in next to a moving, emotional cancer survivor story but the thing that keeps us reading those rags in the bath or on the beach is the exact articles I'm bitching about and therein lies the rub. I might complain but I'm also honest. I want the answers too and dammit if  they're to be found between the pages of Cosmo I'll take it. I sure as hell haven't figured it out on my own.

To be continued.....

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