Friday, March 10, 2017

Fair Winds and Following Seas

In a little more than 24 hours I will be leaving my son on the curb at the airport for the flight to his first duty station with the United States Navy.

He's been home for 10 magic days. As I write I'm dusting off a memory of him squatting in the flower bed, red plastic shovel in hand slinging mud all over the sidewalk wearing a beloved pair of yellow rain boots - in the SUMMER time. Now he towers in my front doorway wearing a meticulous uniform complete with boots so shiny you can see your reflection. The days from yellow rain boots to spit shined military ones are a time warp of birthday parties, clean your rooms and do your homework's. Of taxi driving, piles of laundry peppered with sleepovers and who's that girl?? Where are you going? Get up, brush your teeth. WHERE'S your homework??? All the while trying my hardest to weed out the bad things he may have inherited from his parents and magnifying the good ones.

I've kissed his forehead and pulled the blanket up over his shoulders every night he's been home - whether he realizes it or not. I've wished selfishly that he had fewer friends to visit while being proud that he understands how to be a true friend. Wishing wit every alarm clock screech that I didn't have to work so many hours. I just want to sit next to him and hear him breathe. He's pulled off an epic surprise on his family, a visit to his brothers baseball game - twice. Celebrated his birthday early, ran a few errands for his momma like the old days and now its nearly time for him to go again.

Raising him has been like trying to stuff a 5 pound burlap sack full of 50 pounds worth of information and love. I stare at him in wonder today just like I did the day the nurse laid him on my chest fresh out of the oven. I made that!! I'm way cooler than any Pinterest board. These days he's writing a story that doesn't have me as the center. And that's as it should be.

This man who stands where my little boy once crouched gleefully discovering worms buried in the mud is intelligent, and a leader. Organized. Purposeful. He has impeccable taste in music and can quote movies with the best of them. He keeps his faith close to his heart and really gets it when is Great Uncle Joe talks about "Duty, honor and respect for family".  He honored his Great Uncle Tim with his very first tattoo. I raised him to be his own person but never forget where he came from and as a result he is loyal to everyone who loves him even if I don't think they deserve it. Take that mom!! 

He still manages to get a middle finger up in almost every picture and his grin is just as wide and bright as the sun. He hassles his siblings and cracks my back and opens any jar with his big ole meat hooks but for every one thing I am certain I know about him there are probably three I am totally unaware of and I think that is the plan.

In a little more than 24 hour I will give my precious number one son a hug and send him back to the United Sates Navy and I couldn't be more proud. Fair winds and following seas Sailor - your mom loves you.

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