Thursday, November 26, 2015

Turkey day

So Facebook does these "Memory posts" where they'll randomly select an old picture and ask if you'd like to share the memory. Today was a picture from 5 years ago. The picture was of the last meal I cooked in what used to be our families motorhome. I was still married to my kids dad. He had flown in from Florida where he was filming a movie to spend the holiday with us. We made trash can turkey and the rode our dirtbikes and had a great time. The next day my son broke his wrist and by the time the next turkey day rolled around the kids dad and I were separated. My point in sharing this is that I didn't know. I didn't know that the very next day my firstborn would literally be broken, that he'd have surgery and a long recovery. People came to our assistance. My parents, our friends, our church family, my family family. Nothing about those days indicated to me that soon our marriage would end but it did. My then husband was having an affair with one of his coworkers in Florida. I didn't know. The same people came to our rescue. My parents, our friends and our church family, my family family. Since then some of them have become just his friends or just mine. Some I don't speak to at all, even some of his family. My parents are always here for my kids and I. My church family and all of my friends, the ones I knew back then and the new ones and of course my family family.I didn't know that would be my last thanksgiving as a married woman, ours as a nuclear family. We don't know how tomorrow will be different from today. I'm so thankful for the times that have passed, good and bad. The good ones I cherish and the bad ones have helped me grow. I am thankful for the good people that God has always surrounded me with and I am thankful for God - the constant power in my life that has never let me down, lied, cheated or broken my heart. 
What a weird picture Facebook chose. It was yams and green bean casserole, rolls and cranberry sauce and a lot of emotion as it turns out. Thankful I am not the same person I was on that day. Thankful for the beautiful humans that man helped me create. They are my joy and my purpose. Thankful for all the many, many, too many good things and people in my life today and the ability to feel gratitude. 

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing to me that we both wrote about the same those flashbacks remind us of the past. :) Great post!
