Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Broken Clock

I have terrible timing. Seriously. I am either too early or too late and it has been this way for as long as I can remember. Back in elementary school I jumped on the whole “rainbows and unicorns” bandwagon a little too late. I held on to the unicorn trend a little too long resulting in earning myself a nerdy reputation. In middle school I was a little ahead of the times. Having read a book called
“The Official Preppy Handbook” the summer between 5th and 6th grade (7 years AFTER it was published – bad timing again) I came back to school reinvented as a hardcore “preppy”. This was about a year before anyone else heard of the term so you could say that my argyle knee socks and Bermuda shorts in a marvelous pink & green combination weren't so popular. I liked the Cure before guys who wore lipstick and eyeliner were cool. I got tired of Nirvana before the rest of the world declared them the Kings of music. Regardless of the trend I was either ahead of the curve or behind the eight ball.
As I got older my terrible timing started to affect my love life, if you could call it that at the age of 14. My first real boyfriend was a senior when I was a freshman. Of course I fell madly in love with him and of course he promptly graduated and went off to college. In between freshman year and junior year I developed a knack for declaring my “like” for a guy immediately prior to him becoming the new hot man on campus (and therefore having no time for me). Then in my junior year the pinnacle of bad timing was reached when a guy that I was friends with (but secretly ADORED) decided to seek my advice about a girl he wanted to ask out. I assumed it was me he was referring to and that he was just trying to be clever but no. 23 years later we reconnected and my timing is still off, or more accurately this time, my geography.
I met my former husband earlier than I should have. Had I known he was younger than me by a few years I probably wouldn't have spoken to him. By the time I learned how old he really was it was too late, I was already head over heels. I used to wonder if he had been older when we met if we would have made it. Who knows?
What I do know is here I am almost 5 years post divorce and my timing hasn't improved any. I finally met a guy who knocked my socks off and met all my non-shallow expectations and guess what? Yep. Bad timing strikes again. He’s not ready for me. I could go all girly-stupid and say “he’s just scared of his feelings, he really likes me” but the bottom line is, it’s just bad timing and I can’t even be mad about it. In fact, I still think he’s the bee’s knees. 
I can’t say if this timing issue will ever improve with me. Picture in your head one of those circular revolving doors like the ones you see in hotels back East. I am always walking in the door, pushing the handle forward while the “person, opportunity, dream” is twirling away in the opposite direction, leaving through the little pie shaped section at the front of the building. That’s my life. Rationally I know all things happen in the right and perfect time, in God’s time. My type B side is ok with all that. My type A side is calling bullshit.

Shakespeare said “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late”. Shakespeare understands...but the bottom  line is that when it comes to me the clock is broken.  

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