Sunday, August 25, 2013

to date or not date....

Today while enjoying a relaxing BBQ with friends the subject of dating came up. I told my girlfriend's husband "You should be glad you're married because dating is a pain"....which of course prompted him to ask "So when are you going to start dating again Melisa"? It's been 3 years since my ex husband moved out, 6 months since the divorce was final. My first instinct was to say "Oh, when pigs fly " but truthfully I had no answer to that question.When AM I going to start dating? I have gone on a handful of dates but nothing more than a few good inside jokes came from all that. By some standards I should already be remarried by now. No thanks. I left all I had on the field the last time. I won't be doing THAT again. A good answer to the dating question would be "On the 10th of never". I've only met one person since I became single that has been able to hold my interest for any length of time but he isn't making himself available in the way I would like. If you've read any of my previous posts you;ll know that what I'm looking for isn't typical. And I want it in a taller than me, attractive, respectable package. Dating isn't as easy in reality as TV makes it seem. I was married for 15 years....all of my friends, with few exceptions are married people, therefore not an abundance of single men floating around. Also, I have 3 very active children and the bottom line is I'd rather hang out with them. Someday they will fly the coop and I may have to get serious about the "When am I going to start dating" question. For now I guess I'll keep hoping one of my friends will set me up with someone worth shaving my legs for.

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