Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Just another,, just another day

On a regular Monday night my life all of sudden shifted, like I could physically feel it. In the past that feeling only ever came after loss or huge change. For example; when i graduated  high school, or when my first grandparent died, or when I realized my marriage was over.  The heavy shift from one reality to another that just occurs with no warning and then BAM your life looks different than the day before. It feels different.  It’s almost tangible and it’s been that kind of week (yes I know it’s only Tuesday). My bonus son slept over and went to breakfast with my little unit minus one yesterday. That night  my two kids who still live with me, along with my daughters boyfriend went to sushi with my boyfriend and I  (my unit minus one). The meal was really good, normal exchange of family type conversations along with some razzing about my son taking his hat off for dinner. I had somewhere I needed to be other than home right after the meal so I left the three of them to ride home with my boyfriend. I got into my car to drive away and had to pull over because right in that moment I realized that I LEFT the three of them to ride home with HIM, like a family. Then it hit me... We are a family. He’s not their dad and he doesn’t try to be, he just loves them where they are. He’s not my husband and I don’t know if he’ll ever be but he’s present and he accepts us all for who we are and offers his help if we ask. Like we do for him. Like the best kind of family would do. We are present for each other in all the moments good and bad and last night in my opinion, we became a family. The shift occurred over a mundane task but I didn’t second guess it happening or even have to ask if he minded because I already knew he wouldn’t. That feels like heaven. It’s brand new in my life and probably in theirs too. Cheers to my new little family. My kids are loved.. all of them and so are his. Our blending might look like a crazy afghan to some but to me it’s the most beautiful, ordinary, tapestry. It’s love.

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