Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Love like .....

"In the blink of an eye, just a whisper of smoke, you could lose everything the truth is you never know. So I'll kiss you longer any chance that I get, I'll make the most of the minutes and love with no regret" - these are Meghan Trainors words not mine but brilliant just the same. This song speaks volumes to me. I don't have romantic love in my life right now and that's ok. It's not my time. However I DO have a tremendous number of people I love, related and otherwise. I am sharply aware of the fact that in a split second the ones you love can be removed from you. That last conversation, that last "I love you" is almost never a moment you mark ahead of time. Let that sink in. 
We truly never know when it's coming. 
Maybe I'm mushy because it's one of my favorite couples anniversary today. Maybe it's because the chill in the air and the first day of fall make me think of my favorite romantic movie "Serendipity" or maybe it's just cuz I'm getting soft in my old age. Whatever the reason, if I've ever said I love you through words or actions know that I'm going to "love you like I'm going to lose you, I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye". Now... Put your phones down and go tell the people that you love most exactly that!!! Happy Tuesday my fellow softies. I love you! 

Monday, September 7, 2015


For 3 weeks the envelope sat there. Sealed within was another envelope that held the sex of my second baby written on a sticky note. I stared at the fireplace mantle every day for 3 weeks until my then husband agreed to finally opening it. "Girl". 4 letters. One word that changed my life forever. I had no idea what to expect. I was only a boy mom up until then. I've learned something new about the world and myself every day since then thanks to my magical middle child. I remember the day she was born and just staring into her big blue eyes feeling certain she knew the secret to everything. When we brought her home from the hospital her big brother would sing the only song he knew "twinkle twinkle little star" if she cried. She'd lay in her crib and silently study her nursery as if she was trying to decide if she'd stay. The infant with the perfect, pouty, rosebud lips and the flippy curls became the toddler who climbed trees with her brother wearing a princess dress and plastic heels who grew into the preteen who never had much of an awkward stage and always knew just what to do with her makeup and now she's a stunning young woman (although I'm sure she'd disagree). She's strong physically and emotionally. Her ego is in check. Her soul is balanced. She's steady, coordinated in every way, sassy as hell and already so much smarter than I was at her age. More self confident and self aware. I made a point to tell her everyday that she was smart AND beautiful because I never wanted her to wonder about either. As a female who lacked confidence I was petrified to even try to raise a daughter. I've since learned that God never gives us more than we can handle and sometimes children teach the grown ups lessons along the way. She routinely makes me laugh so hard I cry. She amazes me with her grace and serious appreciation for sarcasm and good music. She loves shoes her family and her friends with a depth that rivals the Grand Canyon. She's creative and intense. "Girl". 4 letters. One word that made my world a better place forever after. Happy Birthday sweet baby girl. My heart is yours.