Friday, July 25, 2014

What are words for......

I am a writer and my words can be a shield or a weapon. I try to only tell my story and share only my own experiences and opinions. Inevitably other people are a part of that, but I always change the names to protect the innocent, and the guilty for that matter. It is my hope that my experiences can help someone, or make someone laugh. Maybe you'll read this blog and share it with someone else because you think it will help them or make them laugh. Or maybe you are a malicious fool who twists what you read here and uses my words to cause controversy and drama. If that is what you get from my blog then that says more about your character than it does mine. Because this is a public forum I realize that my words are open to interpretation. This is why I choose them carefully. My words and the things I wrote will live on long after I am gone. They are a representation of me and I strive to make them a good one. You as a reader do not have to agree with my words. You do not have to share my words but I would hope that if you do, you would do so with the same integrity used when they were written.

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