Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Keep Calm and Get Tattooed

Tattoo therapy is what my good friend calls it. Desecrating my body is what my mom calls it. My favorite kind of pain is what I call it. Anyone who's read Fifty Shades of Grey might say that's a little kinky but from start to finish I love getting tattooed. The smell of the "green soap" used to clean the skin, the buzzing sound of the gun, the pressure of the artists hand as he stretches the skin,,,,I love it all. There is a rhythm to the process that really is therapeutic. It can be a little like sex, just when you think you can't take anymore and you're about to lose it,,,you get a little break, the sensitivity dials down a little and you can catch your breath and then BOOM back at it again.The main difference being that at the end of the sitting you're left with something meaningful and lovely that will never go away. My first tattoo was a tiny piece on my ankle done by an artist who no longer works in the business. The following seven tattoos have all  been done by the same artist. I also have two spur of the moment tattoos. One on my wrist done by a local female artist and one on my rib cage done by a talented guy who happens to have just one hand. Some tattoo lovers collect pieces by certain artists like others would collect Van Gogh or Monet. I like to collect experiences, the whole process. Each shop has its own vibe, each artist a different personality. My artist is someone I've known for years, he used to come into the record store I worked in and always scared me to death with his appearance. Now ten years and seven tattoos later I call him a friend. Tattoo culture fascinates me. I dance along the edge of it all always trying to strike a balance between what is socially acceptable and my inner desire for a neck tattoo. Seriously.
I fully intend to continue getting tattooed, someday maybe I'll branch out and give some skin to another artist. There are a few people and places I'd like to visit. Until then, it's time to put some aquaphor on my latest edition and contemplate the design of that neck piece......

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