Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Happy or Content

Happy is a really important word in our culture. If you’re  not happy then you’re expected to do something about it. Take a class or a pill. Get an injection, have a surgery. Buy the things. Take a trip. Happy is a fleeting feeling. Happy is simple and one dimensional. I have been happy with a whole bunch of things, people and situations but the happy wears off. Kinda like the flavor in a stick of Fruit Stripe gum. Intense and delicious for a short period of time and then it leaves you flat. You can chase happy for years and spend tons of money for those few, sharp tasty moments or you could be patient and wait for content to find you.Content is the wise older sister of happy. Content let’s you feel a kaleidoscope of emotions. It isn’t one dimensional.  You can be content and still working on a goal while happy makes you feel like it’s ok to stand still. Content let’s you bask in all the satisfaction  of finally living in the glow of what you’ve prayed for, wished for, dreamed of. Happy let’s you feel it on the surface, content gets in your bloodstream. I have been happy to be my children’s mother every day of their lives. I am content to see how they’ve turned out so far, good, solid perfectly imperfect humans. I was happy when I was single. Most days. More days I was happy to be out of a dysfunctional relationship and taking care of my kids,  trying to figure out what to be when I grew up. Today  am totally content in my new role as a girlfriend. I don’t feel the need to adjust myself for him, he loves me in all my stubborn, feisty, weirdness and helps me grow without making me feel defective for it. Happy is fine but content is better. Which one are you?