Saturday, December 27, 2014

F words

Funeral is the F word for the day. Maybe its because I'm Irish and our culture has a certain comfort with death. Maybe it's because I was raised to be respectful. Or maybe it's because I've been on the other side. I attend funerals. I don't enjoy them, who really does? I don't think anyone wakes up in the morning and says "gee I'd really like to go to funeral today". When the occasion arises you suit up and show up. That's it. As I get older my friends parents are starting to leave this Earth and today we are on our way to a funeral for my brothers high school best friends mom. A woman who has been in our lives to some degree or another for over 20 years. I respect her and I love her son. That's why I'm going today. It's respect. It's support. It's just what you do. I have no patience for someone who says "I don't like funerals, I just don't know how to act". Most people don't. Who really knows how to respond to a loved ones death. You don't until you're in it. I know on those days in my life it gave me comfort to see the faces of friends and family. Put your big boy/girl panties on, sack up and support the people you say you care about. If not, don't be surprised when no one is there for you. It's an epidemic of selfishness and I've had it up to my eyeballs. That's all from my soapbox today. Godspeed Susan.