Thursday, September 8, 2011

lies lies lies yeah....

It's a line from an old 80's song by the Thompson Twins - who weren't actually twins..lie number one straight out the gate! We all tell lies and anyone who says they don't is well....lying. Big lies, small lies, white lies whatever it is. I won't say they're all the same because that's not true. Telling someone their butt does not look fat in those jeans they love (when it does) isn't the same as saying you'll be faithful and then cheating.  And just to be clear - leaving parts out of the story is still lying - it's called a lie of omission. Keeping your word in this day and age seems to have gone the way of land lines - old fashioned and unnecessary. I still have a land line and I try to be honest with everyone but most especially myself.  This means making some pretty sweeping changes in my life.....but if you aren't honest with yourself you won't be honest with anyone. The lies we tell ourselves are often the worst and most painful.  We tell ourselves we aren't smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough etc. We lie to ourselves saying "this will be the last time I will do..... fill in the blank".  We've all had that moment. Another old 80's song lyric that comes to mind is "never again is what you swore the time before"....Policy of Truth by Depeche Mode. I could write a whole post just in song titles....hmmm now there's an idea. Be honest - what do you think of that one?
But I digress....It seems to me that it is far easier to just tell the truth, you'll never have to keep track of what you said that way - it frees up SO much brain space. Tell the truth in kindness and don't worry what the other persons reaction will be - that is their responsibility. Lyings' ugly cousin is manipulation and I believe that people often lie to avoid a certain outcome or to try and cause one. Too much work I say.
Bottom line is this - Politicians lie, spouses lie, friends lie, we lie. But you have a choice to stop. Just say no to lying. Tell the truth even when it hurts and let God sort out the details. OK - I'll get off my soap box now. Good night.